From the Work Bench: February 21, 2023


Hey Everyone!

So I was on vacation last week and finally got a chance to play some 40k after a long break. My last games that I played were last March (2022). I was able to get a small game in with a good friend of mine where I was able to pit my new Dark Eldar (Drukari) against his Guard. I also got another two games this past weekend with my brother to play my new Eldar vs Necrons. It was nice to finally play some of the newer armies in my collection and it certainly inspired me to get more painting done.

I've made some progress since my last post. Two of my Hearthkyn warriors are now done. The Theyn has a power fist and plasma pistol, while the other one is one of the special scanner models. (The name escapes me at the moment.) The next two are about half way done, which includes another scanner unit and a regular ion rifle toting one. I'm still working on the rest of the squad.

I'm also making some good progress on my Sister's of Battle Exorcist. I've been working on the inner section and the stone parts around the tank's hull. My repainted Pathfinders are almost done as well. Just need to complete their bases and some small detail work.

Having played with my Eldar now, I'm now inclined to repaint my first jet bikes to match  the armies color scheme. I will be adding them once the Pathfinders are done.

And, here are some shots from my second game with my brother. This was a 1,000 pts game with basic Eternal War game mode. We only got to turn 2 before we had to stop, but it was fun!

Until next time!