Galleries Project


Hey everyone! So I just want to highlight my little project I'm working on for the blog. 

I'm in the process of cataloging all my different units and armies and working to put together a curated gallery of everything. As you can imagine, over 20 years of collecting, I have a lot of models. However, as this year is my 20th anniversary of being into the table top hobby, I wanted to get the ball rolling on having a spot to show off every project I've done over the years. I also intend to add little fluff descriptions, both of the factions and individual units. Some of the newer factions my not have much at the moment, mostly owing to the fact I have not played with them enough to get some good stories.

Currently I'm working on getting my newer armies up into my Galleries page as there are less units to put in the light box for pictures. As I get armies completed, I will link their pages to the galleries page. Then, hopefully going forward, as I complete projects, I will get their pictures added to the relevant gallery.

Until next time!

This was the very first model I got back in 2003.